Thursday 1 May 2008

A challenge

I have decided to purchase some advertising space on a webcomic listings site. The weak dollar makes it good value, and I think the exposure will be pretty effective. My problem is that I’m not very good at selling myself. Copywriting is a skill I do not possess. I need help.

The advert will be tall and thin, with room only for a few choice words and a couple of character heads to give an impression of the artwork. It needs to do its job quickly and leave people powerless to resist clicking on it. But what could the words be? How can the comic be summarised in a way that makes it sound exciting?

I would embrace all your suggestions. I’d like to think that there are several hundred readers of this blog who have, until now, been too shy to comment. Why not seize the moment and make this your bold introduction? I will post the advert here at a later date. Imagine your pride if it was bearing your slogan! (I should point out that pride would, unfortunately, be your only reward.)


anonemouse said...

how about:


you make that last here a link to the site?
and to think i used to do this kind of nonsense for a living. no wonder i nearly starved to death...

Graham said...

ER, I fear that I will have to void your suggestion as I suspect that you are under the influence. Shame on you.

anonemouse said...

of what intoxicant am i (unjustly, let me add) accused this time m'lud?
i've only eaten some chocolate and a yoghurt all afternoon, so help me...

anonemouse said...

breathlyse me if you must but, as you didn't like the first attempt, you may want to try this on for (tall, thin) size:

doormat picnic
two words that
go together
just like:
military intelligence
random order
microsoft works
don't be an oxymoron
check it out here

again, i'd -- soberly -- like to suggest that 'here' could perhaps be used as a link to the site?
if you like, i'll stop now...

Graham said...

My apologies. Your efforts are appreciated. However, there are rather too many words (J'accuse!) - I was thinking more of something like a movie tagline. And the whole image will be a link, so no direction is required.

anonemouse said...

graham, can we at least cease with the mutual apologies already (pls note use of americanisms, so as to prepare loglines to suit US audiences)?

So how do you like these apples:

Doormat Picnic: what they call a barbecue in England

Never was so much owed by so many to Fewbury

Normal people living normal lives - doesn't that seem strange to you?

perhaps the jury would like to take a recess now?

Graham said...

Ah, now you're getting into stride! I like these, especially the third one, and will keep them in mind for future use. However I have decided on something more suited to the image I'm using, which I'm about to post. Thanks again.

Ariane said...

I thought those were great, ER. Ungrateful! Grahamoo! Ungrateful!