I’m an awful consumer. Watchdog would be ashamed of me. If I bought a toaster and it blew up as soon as I plugged it in, I’d probably just buy another one. I always feel terribly guilty when taking items back, as though the store will hate me for being such a nuisance and bar me from ever going there again. I’ve only just recovered from taking a faulty ink cartridge back to W H Smith a year ago. (REFUND? What’s wrong with it? Are you sure it’s not just your printer?)
Anyway, the fridge (or ‘cupboard’, as is now more accurate), is getting increasingly bare as I have to throw away food that is going off. Last night I found the following horror:

Who knew that carrots could turn into liquid? It was a really viscous gloop, like melted cheese, that just turned stringy if you tried to separate it. Oddly though, it smelled quite pleasant. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Carrot Spread ™.
Until I decide what to do with my big white cupboard, it seems that I’m locked into a life of cereal with warm soya milk and drinks that are so unrefreshing that I may as well pour sand down my throat. [I have just discovered, incidentally, that ‘unrefreshing’ is not a valid word. Why the hell not? What’s the antonym of ‘refreshing’?] At least the freezer still works. I think I’m going to have to make space for a few ice cube trays.
are you sure that's a carrot?
the first image is particularly disturbing.
and, i think you'll find the word on the tip of your sandy tongue is 'defreshing'...
I thought it was one of those horrible Daily Mail pictures of foetuses! I'm very relieved it's just a gunky carrot. (Do you remember my carrot story from when I was 13? It looks just like that one...)
ER: Of course I'm sure it's a carrot. As a vegan, my carrot spotting skills are equal to any man's. And you can't replace an invalid word with an even more invalid one.
Ariane: No I don't recall that story, and since this is a family blog I won't be asking you to elucidate.
graham, briefly lost my cool for a mo' there (thankfully, no carrots were involved), what with hyperlinks et al, but the link to the video is now up and running, and well worth watching i reckon...
as for dEUS, had vaguely heard of them but not heard them, and, your recommendation, have just checked out their website.
you really do know what you're talking about sir (unlike other people i could mention as re what passes for their musical 'taste'), my hat is off, forelock tugged and i salute you.
If you're going to check out dEUS, make 'The Ideal Crash' your first stop. It's in my top three albums of all time - I am completely lost in its brilliance.
You are both wrong and need to listen to some Duran Duran!
I'll remind you of the carrot story next time I see you. You might say I'll refresh ("defresh?") your memory...
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