Tuesday, 20 May 2008

A post-card from the West Country

My weekend in Bristol was most enjoyable. We went karting in the afternoon, which was fine until the brake cable snapped on my kart and I spun out. Then I bumped Thom off the track without even noticing, gave one of his mates whiplash in the pit lane because I couldn’t stop and generally made a nuisance of myself (there’s probably a memo being circulated around all the karting tracks in Britain right now warning them about a lanky, chaos causing half-wit). After watching a recording of the cup final we all went out and had a very subdued evening playing dominoes and comparing gardening tips, as is traditional on stag weekends.


anonemouse said...

rock and roll!
do hope the dominoes were not in da jamaican styleee, as this may have disturbed the other punters in that crazy nitespot which you patronised, and that you came away with some useful ideas for next year's carrots?
as re your karting prowess, this reminds me of a little anecdote a friend of yours related regarding a regular kinda car suddenly becoming a robin relaint mid-early-morning-motorway...
and, just perhaps, and maybe the bloke in the orthopedic collar will back me up, the memo re your getting behind a wheel in any kind of wheeled conveyance should be extended to an all-points bulleting announced on the beeb's 24-hour news channel?

Anonymous said...

thank god you did not mention the lesbian rugby team (is there any other type?) and the geriatric lap dancing club. i have a bruise on my bottom and i am not sure if it is from the karting or the evening's antics.

Graham said...

Shhhhhh! Dominoes, dominoes!

anonemouse said...

you ANIMALS! (to whit, a stag and a load of mangy old hounds, by the sound of it...)

Ariane said...

You're all abhorrent and I'm disowning you right now!

Anonymous said...

Who'd have thought that lesbian rugby players would be so good at dominoes...?