Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Doormouse Nitpick #2

As threatened, here is the second Doormouse Nitpick strip.

Apologies if you have a slow connection - I couldn't reasonably make the file any smaller.


anonemouse said...

genius, pure and simple.
hat off and head bowed to you sir.
and not becos' i'm hitting my head with a frying pan either.

Ariane said...
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anonemouse said...

renowned is nine isn't it?

Hattie said...

Love it! Hilarious. But Ariane - I think Josh would agree that weeing on the floor is bad hattiquette.

Hattie said...

P.S. Graham, congratulations on finishing the first story as well. Poor old Phil. I especially liked the sun with his hat on today.