Monday, 21 April 2008

Creative movement

I have had the comic-creating equivalent of constipation for the past two weeks, which isn’t at all pleasant. The launch of the site last Monday coincided with my completion of the first story (I’m a few weeks ahead of the updates), and with all the effort and relief of finally getting things up and running I hadn’t given much thought to story two.

I’ve always been bad at plotting. From my early teens I fostered long running delusions of being a writer, which might have been a good idea if I could i) write proper, and ii) think of something to write about. Both are pretty essential, so to have neither was a handicap I couldn’t overcome, despite my plucky (pathetic) efforts.

Anyway – to cut to the chase – the constipation has now ended and I managed to produce two new strips yesterday from the rumbling bowels of my creative mind (I’m starting to regret this analogy). Not big news, perhaps, but a relief nonetheless. All creative people will know the empty feeling of staring at a blank sheet of paper, or blinking cursor, knowing that time is running out. Pressure is a good motivator though, and if you have to do something you usually manage it – without the need for ex-lax.


Hattie said...

The analogy slightly put me off my dinner, but then again that's my fault for eating over my laptop again.

You are a good writer, by the way, judging by the blog.

Graham said...

Thank you - and watch out for those crumbs.