Thursday 24 April 2008

Snip snip snip go the pinking shears

It’s early days, but I’m already feeling blogging pressure. You know, that sensation that you should be posting something to appease the baying masses (of four of five people) when really you have nothing to say. It’s entirely self-imposed, but my internal dialogue goes something like this:

Compulsive self: You didn’t post anything yesterday. That means you have to post today or everyone will assume you’ve lost interest and will never check the blog again.
Rational self: It really doesn’t matter. If there’s nothing to say, don’t force it.
Compulsive self: But you should force it. It will get you into the routine, kick-start your brain and stop you getting lazy.
Rational self: No one wants to read your rambling, unfocused posts. They’d rather wait for something more considered and ‘weighty’. Actually, come to think of it, they probably couldn’t give a toss either way.
Compulsive self: But today’s a non-comic day! The site is getting stale!
Rational self: Oh, go on then. Just make sure you throw in an obscure title to add interest.

I think on this occasion my rational self capitulated too easily.


anonemouse said...

all i've got to say is, it's about bloody time. been waiting for hours.
even if what you've written ain't weighty, it was a pleasure to read and much better than 'waity'...

Hattie said...

I agree with ER. I'm glad Rational Graham gave in. I know what you mean though - it is a lot of pressure. There's this nagging fear that if you don't update for a couple of days all your readers will leave you forever. I just updated for the first time in two days. Please read it. PLEASE, SOMEBODY READ IT!