Monday, 2 June 2008

Let the Monkey Drive

I was waiting for something ‘worthwhile’ to blog about because I had clearly forgotten who I am. Apologies for that. So, in the continued absence of any such material, here is my review of the latest Sparks album Exotic Creatures of the Deep using only words that begin with the letter ‘B’.

Bold, belligerent beats building brilliantly – bewildering, befuddling, brave. Broadly baffling. Brothers bond, bleating beneficially, bartering bonhomie (bosom buddies). Brains, brawn, bravado. Barely bleak, basically blithe. Blindly blusterous. Buzzing, brimming bundle. Bravo! Buy.

Also this weekend I stumbled upon an episode of ‘Beauty and the Geek’ on Channel 4 and remembered how much I love it. Surely the best reality TV show ever? Unlike other shows in that bracket, it has a genuine point and isn’t just about egos. I particularly love the captions that are used when the contestants are interviewed; one of the geeks will be explaining something to the camera and underneath will appear: "Josh – Still a virgin" or "Craig – Has only kissed one girl". The American version is in its fifth season now, but for reasons I can’t fathom the UK version was dropped after just one series. If you missed it, here’s a quick teaser:

Great entertainment. I wish I could relate to the sad, bedroom dwelling, socially inept geeks a little bit more but you can't have everything.

And that is all that a week's hiatus from blogging has offered up.  Well, there was a raging debate between my frugal and profligate selves about the quality to value ratio of choosing Sainsbury's own brand jalfrezi cooking sauce over Sharwoods... but that really isn't worth mentioning.


Hattie said...

I loved Beauty and the Geek! I completely agree with you, they should have done a second series. Yes, it was TV fluff, but it was so heartwarming, and weirdly both the beauties and the geeks really seemed to end up happier and more confident after getting to know each other.

anonemouse said...

read this with concern and interest, convinced that you had had another motoring mishap and had decided to abdicate responsibilities at the wheel to one of the lesser primates (albeit not by much), and so was somewhat disappointed to find that the title was not employed in a strictly literal sense, but, rather, in a much more metaphorical vein...
ho hum, that'll teach me...
in any case, good to know you remembered at last that you're the kind of man who, if he's not writing this, is off elsewhere concerning himself with the big questions of life such as which cooking sauce to buy...
the world is truly a better and safer place with upstanding citizens of your ilk dithering about in its supermarket aisles comparing pre-emptive banb-for-buck ratios on jalfrezi jars...
as re sparks, can't wait to hear it as 'metaphor' is one of my top ten listens in ipod land.
blinding review btw, but did i miss a previous installment in what i hope will become an alphabetitti spaghetti series where you debated, perhaps, the merits of sainsbury's organic kumquats?
btw, btw, will we ever see the return of doormouse nitpick any time soon? surely the pedantic rodent has plenty more nuts at which to gnaw (so to speak) out there in the wilds of the blogosphere? or do you need me to name names...?
finally, as re BATG, have no idea whatsoever what on earth you and the hat-trick are rambling on about, but if this kind of 'reality' fodder takes your minds off what ever else it would have been on -- and the mind truly boggles -- so be it...
and really finally this time, bit harsh about josh i thought...
and really, really finally this time, how do you know?

Graham said...

Hattie: Happily, the US version is just as good (and just as heartwarming). I may have to watch all the episodes in 8 minute chunks on YouTube.

ER: When I suggested that the Nitpick comics could be a series I wasn't thinking very clearly. Making jokes about people you've never met probably isn't a good idea in general, though your case warranted a special exception.

'Let the Monkey Drive' is one of the tracks on the Sparks album. Other entertaining titles include 'Lighten Up, Morrissey' and 'She Got Me Pregnant'. The album isn't as good as Hello Young Lovers but still well worth a spin.

And stop being provocative. There are more Joshes in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy...

anonemouse said...

making jokes about people you've never met is not a good idea now? there goes my life's work then...
and, 'oh... now i geddit', re the title. good to see someone is showing some wit, invention and intiative with such trifling things...
and, as re our mutual josh and, indeed, joshing in general, please do consider me admonished (but unrepetant ;-)...

anonemouse said...

btw, did you know sparks're on the culture show tonight?
and have you/are you/will you be going to see them at any (or all?) of the 21x21 shows at the brixton academy until the 13th?

Graham said...

No. There are very few bands for which I would make the effort to see live. I'll save my money in the vain hope of an Arab Strap reunion tour.

anonemouse said...

but you do know about malcolm in the middleton playing right in your own backyard doncha?

and you have, presumably, also read this?: