Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Season two of Heroes is rubbish

I’ve given it six episodes to win me over but I have to conclude that season two of Heroes is awful. I always wondered how they could follow up the first season – which always felt like it should be a one-off – and the answer is that they couldn’t. When the show first started, only a handful of the characters had special abilities and it seemed, in a totally fantastical way, quite plausible. Then slowly more and more characters found that they had powers and now you’d be hard pushed to find anyone without them. It’s lazy plotting if you ask me, and as the king of lazy hole-ridden plots I should know. Yes, even I could have written it. And in what way are these people Heroes? They mostly use their powers to show off or kill people. Even the arrival of the lovely Kristen Bell hasn’t saved it. This is to say nothing of the tiresome storyline involving Hiro in 17th century Japan. What’s the point of it? It’s as if the writers couldn’t figure out how to involve him and so decided to slap him in a scenario that had no relevance to the rest of the show. Well to be fair there are still a few episodes remaining and they might tie it all together neatly in the end but they’ll be lucky if I make it that far. Then there’s the brother and sister combo – she kills people with her bleeding eyes routine, he brings them back to life. How convenient! It really wouldn’t surprise me if someone appeared who can sharpen pencils by sticking them up his arse. The only saving grace is that the season has been curtailed to just eleven episodes because of the writer’s strike. My guess is that the strike kicked in before they’d even started and so they left it to the work experience lad to ‘do his best’. Axe it now!


Anonymous said...

Yes, the second series of Heroes is such a let down, even the show's writer/creator has publicly apologised for it, and virtually disowned it altogether.

Watch Battlestar Galactica instead. It's awesome, and so far removed from the original 70's series you'll forget it ever existed.

(Please note: I accept full responsibility if Doormat Picnic suddenly vanishes because Graham's trawling his way through 4 seasons and two-feature length episodes of this series at my recommendation...)

Graham said...

Deal! If the comic goes under, I'll forward both of the mildly disappointed emails to your inbox...